When we were children we could not wait to grow up and become adults. We truly believed that as adults we would finally be free of parental authority, and possess an independence that enabled us to do live our lives without restrictions – freedom, as we called it. We could not wait to leave our childhood behind and enter the exciting world of adulthood. As adults we learned that life was not all fun and games, for along with the glamour and “freedom” there came responsibility, physical and emotional challenges, and the monotony of the daily routine. When the pressures mounted we sometimes wished we could return to our childhood. St. Josemaria, the founder of Opus Dei said, “Don’t try to be older. A child, always a child even when you are dying of old age. …Be a child, and when you stumble, may your father God pick you up by the hand. (The Way, excerpt from point #870.) God will always care for us, His children, whether we are three or 103.
God will indeed protect us but to the wise and learned of the world – those who claim to be self sufficient, Jesus said: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.”
Thus in order to grow spiritually we must grow up and become little children. We leave behind the childish behavior of youth, and take on the childlike spirit of maturity. A childlike spirit possesses the favorable attributes of adulthood: wisdom, astuteness, perception, and intelligence, along with the trust, persistence, simplicity and innocence of children. Add to this mix humility, for it is the virtue of humility that helps us acknowledge our littleness before God. Divine Filiation is the condition by which we recognize God as our Father. We trust that He, who knows us better than we know ourselves, will always act in our best interest. His way is the best way, and his timing is always perfect.
Recommended reading:
The Way, Chapters: Spiritual Childhood, and Life of Childhood, by St. Josemaria Escriva
Friends of God: Chapter: Getting to Know God, by St. Josemaria Escriva