Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Preparing our Hearts for the Savior’s Birth - Maintaining Hope, Spiritual Optimism and Peace

We are nearing the end of our Advent season and the beautiful season of Christmas is near. As we patiently await the birth of our Savior, we find ourselves scampering here and there amidst the hustle and bustle of crowded stores, and traffic jams. At times such as these we must hang on to our hope for the “grinch” will try to rob us of our peace. It is very easy to get caught up in the net of commercialism; and the stress that consumes us can shake our spiritual optimism. We may find ourselves on a treadmill stuck in high gear. Consumerism is the apparent culprit, but perhaps the greater problem is a lack of faith and hope that leaves our vulnerable souls open for the enemy’s attack. At times Christmas celebrations can be “over the top” for we indulge in lavish foods, drink and jollity to the point that the real meaning of Christmas is overshadowed by the so called “finer things of life.” Eating, drinking and general merriment is wonderful providing that Christ’s birth is the reason for our happiness. Everyone tries to “get into the Christmas spirit”. A glass of eggnog, some Christmas Eve snow, and a few strolling carolers will add to the ambiance and help boost our spirits, but without Christ our parties are pointless, and superficial. How do we spread the joy of Christ’s birth when the stress of the season seems insurmountable? Perhaps if we get off the treadmill and simply contemplate the empty crèche that awaits the Christ Child, we will find the real Christmas spirit. Gaze at Mary and Joseph and imagine being in that lowly stable in Bethlehem as they wait with joy the birth of the child - the baby Jesus who comes bearing love to save us from our sins. Perhaps if we invite the Holy Family into our celebrations we will find our peace, for our hope is in The Child.  In decorating our homes, let every candle we place in our window, every ornament we hang on our tree, every carol we sing, every cookie we bake, and every gift we exchange be for Christ. Our homes should reflect His love, and our parties ought to be a joyful celebration of His anticipated coming. We should go to Mary and Joseph in prayer and ask them to help us prepare our souls to receive the Savior of the World, our King, the Prince of Peace.


Wishing all of you a Blessed and Joyous Christmas Filled with Hope.

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