Saturday, October 17, 2009

Golden Chances – Random Acts of Charity

Frequently we find ourselves in situations beyond our control that put us in the company of other people - in long lines at supermarkets or department stores, bus stations, ticket counters at airports, hospital emergency rooms, etc. How do we pass the time in such circumstances, send text messages or chat on the cell, play games on our smart phone, or read a book? Certainly these are all perfectly fine ways to pass one’s time. Perhaps though, within these seemingly ordinary occurrences, there lies a golden opportunity to perform a charitable act – that of reaching out to our neighbor. We need to take advantage of opportunities to speak to the people God has placed in our path for they are there for a reason. (Pope John Paul II always stated that there is no such thing as coincidence.) We never know a person’s needs, but God does, and He asks us to show others the same kindness that He shows us. They may be physically, emotionally or spiritually troubled and in great need of unburdening their hearts. Sometimes all they need is a smile or a few words to bring peace to their souls. We need to seize that moment because it may not present itself again. Sometimes, to overcome timidity, we need to just jump in with both feet and initiate a conversation. We do not know what kind of reception we will receive, however, people are generally very appreciative when approached.  Perchance though they resist our attention, our kindness and efforts will be most pleasing to God.


Should we throw caution to the wind and blindly speak to everyone we meet without assessing a given situation? Certainly not, we should always be prudent with our actions. However, if we allow, fear, shyness, anxiety, nerves, or passivity to get the better of us, we will never reach out to the others and our golden chances will slip through our fingers. 

The following words of St. Josemaria Escriva, The Founder of Opus Dei best express charity: “Charity towards our neighbor is an expression of our love of God. Accordingly, when we strive to grow in this virtue, we cannot fix any limits to our growth. The only possible measure for the love of God is to love without measure; on the one hand, because we will never be able to thank him enough for what he has done for us; and on the other, because this is exactly what God’s own love for us, his creatures, is like: it overflows without calculation or limit.” (Friends of God, Chapter: The Strength of Love  - St. Josemaria Escriva).


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